Latest News

Latest News For all newsletters and upcoming events please visit and like the Mahogany Rise PS Facebook Page. For current families please ensure you are utilising our Compass Portal for keeping up to date with your child’s learning. For your username and password...

Beyond the Classroom

Beyond the Classroom Monterey offers a range of engaging and exciting co-curricular activities that support students to develop a broad range of skills suited to their own interests and passions Through the range of co-curricular activities on offer at Monterey,...

Positive Behaviour & Anti-Bullying

Positive Behaviour TBC Visit Mahogany Rise   Come see what Mahogany Rise has to offer. Book a tour of our school today. About Admissions   Learn about our school zone, admission processes and select early entry...

Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing Monterey has a dedicated wellbeing team available to support students and their families navigate challenges that may impact on their achievement, engagement or connection with school. Parents and Students can make a wellbeing referral here. Our...

Effective Teaching

Effective Teaching Our exceptional teachers cultivate nurturing, positive and productive classrooms that push students to achieve their potential. Monterey recognises that each student comes to the classroom with their own interests, strengths and perspectives. Our...